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Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd) Php210AccueilPortailDernières imagesRechercherS'enregistrerConnexion
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 Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd)

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2 participants

Messages : 764
Date d'inscription : 26/01/2009
Age : 32
Localisation : Valence - Drôme

Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd) Empty
MessageSujet: Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd)   Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd) Icon_minitimeMar 26 Juin - 10:18

Citation :

Questions for the Product Director (PD)
Volker replied to over 60 questions (some were the same questions so I left them out) and sent me the replies this morning. They are now being reviewed by me and I will create a newspost in the community news section especially for it.
If it is not too much, I will be able to post the answers tomorrow/Wednesday as there are some rather confusing questions in there and some things that need to be clarified.
Be aware that it is his right to not answer to certain questions.
But majority of questions are covered.

There was also a French question collection ongoing. As soon as the questions are translated, I will add them as well.

As a remark for the French and German players lurking in the English forums: The questions are getting translated (and the questions as well as the answers are a lot). So please have some patience and the interview will appear in your boards as soon as possible.

3.0 and PTS (short info)
Current status of translation and client:
We are waiting for an English client update for our QA (and aso PTS) server this week and try to update the system accordingly.
The German polish is at around 50-60%. Personal estimation will be August however until a reliable and polished version is available. Please consider this as a gut feeling!
French translation: I have no update on this. The external studio who translates the localisation files for us also does the polish phase.

Ingame event in AION France
I am aware that there are events planned for the French community.
The event is also a test run to apply the events on the German and English servers later.
The event on the French servers focuses on their national holidays and thus start earlier than we do.
Also, I have talked to the CS and depending on how fast the little supporters are, we are able to steal them for a bit and introduce them to you ingame and add them for our events as well (as we lack people to actually realize some event ideas as CMs can sadly not clone each other)

Naming and shaming rule
The reason why we have this rule is the same reason why we don't have a public pillory of people violating the rules either in game or forums: Discretion and data protection. Reports are totally fine and we accept them. But only via our respective channels. That means reports are being handled by our support via Ticket system or ingame petition.
The CS barely or do not read reports in forums. Phelan is already busy but tries to reply to some questions you have concerning the CS as much as he can. I think you agree that they have better things to do than filtering reports in a pile of threads and posts.
Moderators can and are allowed to remove posts respectively or censor the names.
And all I and the moderators can do about your report is to report it to the CS.
So please, use the right channels (ticket or petition). Like you do in reallife when you report a thief: Go to the local police.

I had a talk with Seven about a rather "fun" naming and shaming which seems to be a running gag. But there is a grey area with certain situations.
What I declare as naming and shaming is basically similar like this (some examples):

Player "Ihazcheats" is botting/cheating. Someone who saw it goes on the forums and writes a thread about it that "Ihazcheats" is a "smelly botter and he [insert insult here]" -> Use the ticket system, report him there. Noone from the CS reads your report in the forums. Please deal it directly with the support.
Player "Iarescamz0rz" is scamming someone and the victim is openly writing in forums who is the scammer -> Yes, great. To prevent further scams however, it might be interesting to deal it directly with support to let them judge wether you got scammed or not and let them take actions if necessary. Because the ones who don't read the forums get scammed in the meantime, don'T you think?
Player "IheartElyos" gets killed by player "IheartAsmo", goes to forums and insults him there -> Deal it like a Daeva, not like a kid. This is a problem between you both, not between the forums and him.

Naming and shaming basically is nothing else than "pointing fingers" at someone without him either knowing it, not able to react, horde people in forums to publically put him in a bad light.

What is a grey area and/or tolerated (examples):

Fun/running gag if the one being mentioned is ok with it to be a rather entertaining star of the server. If we receive a report from said player, we will remove and censor.
Discussions about someone who leaded the sieges and his tactics (obviously, we are a discussion board) as long as it is constructive. Insulting him is, well..., an insult Razz.

The naming and shaming rule will stay. Seven also gave away some examples here: Reminder of the forum rules
Of course there are many grey areas and there will always slip one through as we can't be everywhere. Just don't make the life of moderators harder as they already have it. This rule should be easy to be followed.

Veteran rewards + NCstore items + CE

If everything works out and nothing comes in between (*prays to any kind of God*), the first phase of Vet rewards/NCstore/CE items wave will happen within this week (probably Thursday).
Details and more will follow as soon as I have them.
We are still facing some technical issues but we hope we can solve it within the next few days.
First phase will be the NCStore and CE items.
I will squeeze out info from the higher management and spam you with info as soon as I have them

Forum moderation recruitment - closed!

Thanks for everyone who applied so far. I am trying to evaluate the applications during this week and send everyone a reply wether he is considered or not (no offense but that's like a small job interview Smile ).
With this, the current application round is closed until the next one is being opened.

GM introduction
I am collecting information from the CS and our Supporters and I am trying to introduce each of them in the next few days.
You will also be able to see them ingame soon as they will occassionally make themself visible to say "hi".
GM events are being planned and GMs being considered as our helpers for events.

Bug reports
A little info: As there are many tickets about bugs and people complaining that those are not being reported to the Korean devs: They are!
The problem is that bugs are either being fixed by the next bigger update (which is 3.0) or the impementation takes a while (atleast 6 months).

BlackVelvet CM UK

Traduction rapide pour ce qui comprenne pas l'anglais :

- Questions au chargé de projet Aion :
Le chargé de projet a répondu à plus de 60 questions et BlackVelvet a reçu les réponses ce matin. Il nous les postera surement demain.

3.0 et PTS :
Ils sont presque prêt à inclure la version anglaise sur leur serveurs de test (dans la semaine).
La version allemande en est a 50-60% dans la phase de polissage.
Pas d'info sur la version fr faite par un studio externe mais apparemment ils sont également en phase de polissage (bonne nouvelle ?).

Event IG en France
Nous sommes les premiers à avoir des events IG (merci Eoghan) et nous allons servir de test pour les serveurs allemands et anglais.

Récompense Vétéran, Collector et ancienne boutique NCsoft
Si tout va bien, la première phase de remise en place des récompenses arrivent Jeudi avec l'accessibilité aux récompenses de l'édition collector et de la boutique NCsoft en premier.
Les récompenses Vétéran arriveront par la suite.

Voila, je vous ai traduit ce qui me semblais le plus intéressant Smile

Dernière édition par Kiruagon le Mar 26 Juin - 16:41, édité 1 fois
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membre honorifique
membre honorifique

Messages : 502
Date d'inscription : 07/03/2012
Age : 57
Localisation : partout et nulle part ...

Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd)   Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd) Icon_minitimeMar 26 Juin - 11:00

Oui les events ont l'air chouettes, surtout celui qui consiste à protéger son champion dans les abysses, j'ai hâte ! J'espère que ça redonnera
aussi le goût au RvR abyssal ! Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd) 765242
et le Champion asmo apparemment sera Eoghan ... Weekly Community Report CW 25 (June 18th - June 22nd) 58946
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